Friday, February 4, 2011
Has it really been a year?
I was reading a friend's blog. . .one that is beyond inspirational, and I thought I would glance at my last post. I can hardly believe a year has gone by since I last wrote on this blog. So much has happened in the last year that it seems like ten years in one! We are all settled in our new house. I feel beyond blessed to look across the street AND next door and see our wonderful friends/life-time neighbors. How lucky to bring our neighbors with us in a move! I can't imagine making this move without them! Even though our move was not far in distance, it has seemed like a whole new life emerged. I am so grateful for the friends that have embraced our children in our new area. We are surrounded by amazing families who I look forward in getting to know better over the years. I do miss our old home and miss seeing our friends from Major Meadows regularly. I wish we could've brought so many friends with us in the move. I guess that's a lot to ask for!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Life's about change. . .nothing ever stays the same!
It has been an interesting experience as we are building our new home. It has been a step-by-step process: Step 1. Getting the guts to put a for sale sign up in front of our house. I was mostly nervous about how my young women would respond. Yes, the sign was stolen several times, but we recovered it all but once. Step 2. Showing the house, which wasn't my favorite thing to do. It seemed like realtors would call just as we were sitting down to eat dinner, and they would say, "Can I bring a client to see your house in 15 minutes?" Step 3. Getting offers, counter-offers, and finally accepting an offer on Halloween night. Step 4. Lining up a rental home (thank you and signing to purchase our lot for our new house. Step 5. Inspection and Appraisal which took place while we were in Disneyland. Thank goodness for good friends who happened to have our house key and helped with this step. Step 6. Getting home from Disneyland and packing like crazy so we could move in a week and a half. Step 7. Moving day, the day after Thanksgiving. We had many wonderful friends and family that helped with the moving and cleaning that day. The trampoline moving was my favorite! Step 8. Trying to settle Treson for bed in a new house. This step took nearly two weeks to accomplish! Step 9. Deciding which boxes to unpack and which to haul to my brother Chris' house in Willard. He graciously offered us his third car garage to store our "stuff". Step 10. Meet with builder, meet with another builder, pick a house plan, pick a different house plan, meet with builder and make changes to house plan, and hopefully the next step is beginning the building of our new home. YAY! It has been a journey so far, and I know we are just beginning. We are doing our best to ENJOY the JOURNEY!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Our Little Farm Boy

One of Treson's favorite things to do is visit Great-Grandma Lu-Lu and play on the farm. He lights up having so much space to run around, tractors to ride, and animals to play with. I was helping my Grandma with some cleaning when Aaron came in and said, "Come see what our son is doing. . ." I followed Aaron out to where the baby calves are, and sure enough, Treson's whole hand was in the calf's mouth, and he was laughing like crazy! The older cows, who have had experiences with Treson begin to run away when they see Treson coming their way. If I could interpret their "Moo's" I am sure they would be warning one another, "Hey, watch out, here comes that crazy kid again!" I love watching my kids play on the farm. It brings back memories of when I'd run around with my cousins. . .although, I was the prissy one that NEVER would have put my hand in a cow's mouth.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The things they say. . .

Last night we enjoyed attending the special needs mutual production at Layton High School. My angel mother is one of the leaders, so over the years we have really looked forward to this event. Today as I was driving Siena and Shelby to gymnastics they were talking about the special people who were part of the production. We talked about peoples' differences and how we are all children of our Heavenly Father. From the back seat Shelby said, "Mom, I used to think that people were born without hands or feet because Jesus ran out of skin." I LOVE the innocence of children. I learn from mine every single day!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Lucky Me!!!!

I have the best friends ever! Mel arranged for us to be in the studio audience for the show "Good Things Utah". I have wanted to do this for a very long time, but of course, never made it a priority. Becca, Mel, and I had so much fun cheering for fried twinkies and eating orange wedding cake. Spending time with these two amazing friends made me feel so lucky and blessed! We've had some crazy, fun times together, and I look forward to many more to come. We've decided that when we turn 40 we are going on a big vacation. . .maybe Hawaii again. Are we really to the point of planning our 4oth birthday celebration (okay so it's still almost ten years away) but seriously where does the time go? It seems just like yesterday we were playing mafia in Cameron's basement. :) Now we have awesome husbands and beautiful families. How did I get so lucky?
Monday, February 2, 2009
A Man of Many Talents!

I am amazed with the hidden talents my husband possesses! He has taken up the hobby of photography (runs in his family) and he does amazing work! He has especially taken interest in photographing the Salt Lake Temple. He likes to spend time at Temple Square, and since he works so close, he has the luxury of going there frequently. He is a great guy!
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