Friday, January 16, 2009

Deep Thoughts From Siena

Today as I was fixing Siena's hair, she looked at me and said, "I wish it was yesterday". I have thought about this small, yet profound, utterance all day today. I also have days where I "wish it was yesterday." Maybe yesterday was an amazing day of joy and accomplishment, such as the day I enjoyed a day of shopping at the mall with all four kids with the biggest mishap being fry sauce slathered all over Treson's pants. Or maybe "yesterday" was a day of a mistake or two that I'd like to "do over." (I have plenty of those moments. . .what mother doesn't?) And, although I sometimes, like Siena, wish it was yesterday, I am focusing on this moment of enjoying the journey of today, and I am completely content with this exact moment which is simply watching my 6 month old, Parker, looking ever-so prideful as he accomplishes the mission of pulling his blue socks off of his feet!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

hey Alana! email me @, so I can invite you to my blog :)